Solar pumping in Mali
In operation
“More than 2 billion people live in countries subject to high water stress and about 4 billion people face a serious shortage of water at least one month per year”.
This information comes from the United nations global report on the estimation of water resources in 2019. Today, nearly half of the people who get their water directly from surface water live in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Solar energy which is a natural resource can go some way to solving this problem. This is the resource we have used in this drinking water supply project on behalf of the French NGO, Action Contre la Faim. The system works directly in phase with the sun without storage battery or other source of power.
With our Mali based partner, Sinergien we have produced complete installations of photovoltaic power plant and water terminals including water supply, chlorination, storage by water tower and distribution up to water fountains installed within villages. Upstream, the overall design and integration was done in our site in Quimper. The configuration part was done in the workshop in our premises then everything was installed in the different zones in Mali.
Today, 260 m³ of water are pumped per day to supply some 12,000 persons, only using solar energy.
- 260 m³ of water per day
- 12,000 people supplied with drinking water

Solar panels that supply the pump
Water fountain providing access to drinking water for the inhabitants
Converter installed under the solar panels