Home Références Innovative tidal power generator

Innovative tidal power generator

In operation

The P154 tidal power generator is a hybrid electricity production system coupling tidal power, solar and batteries. This is a co-production between the client Guinard Energies and the Entech company in partnership with IFREMER and the Brest engineering school ISEN.

A container, which was commissioned by us and which assures the energy storage, is installed on the riverbank. In addition to batteries and electrical component, it contains electronic boards and custom software entirely dedicated to this project. We have also designed all the power architecture.

The container has been put on-board a boat for a test of its operation. A first test took place at sea in the Brest bay then regulation tests of the tidal power generator and tests in the Etel river, took place before commissioning.

The tidal power generator is currently operating in the Etel ria and has been connected up to the French electricity grid since April 4th, 2019. Surplus, non-consumed energy is ceded to Enercoop who combats energy precarity.

This project is designed to be connected to the existing electrical grid so as to top up the energy but also for isolated, off-grid zones.

In brief
  • 120 kW

    of conversion in total

  • 50 kWh

    Storage of pure lead thin-plate batteries